Review of Narcissus and Goldmund
by Maxwell Joslyn. .
Narcissus and Goldmund
out of What Does The Score "3.5" Mean?
Solid: Above the bar. Good parts greatly outweigh any shortcomings. I'm glad to have read it once.A loving meditation on the differences between knowledge gained through solitary scholarliness, and understanding gained through worldliness and devotion to artistry. The titular Narcissus is an austere monk; Goldmund, his former pupil and fellow monk who leaves the monastery to travel the world and follow his passions. I am much more of a Goldmund than a Narcissus; though I have done a number of things in my life that must surely be coded as scholarly, my motivation to undertake those things has stemmed from personal interest and passion in various subjects. I recommend this book to anyone who considers himself an artist.