Review of Narcissus and Goldmund

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Narcissus and Goldmund
Herman Hesse
Full StarFull StarFull StarHalf StarEmpty Star
What Does The Score "3.5" Mean? Solid: Above the bar. Good parts greatly outweigh any shortcomings. I'm glad to have read it once.

A loving meditation on the differences between knowledge gained through solitary scholarliness, and understanding gained through worldliness and devotion to artistry. The titular Narcissus is an austere monk; Goldmund, his former pupil and fellow monk who leaves the monastery to travel the world and follow his passions. I am much more of a Goldmund than a Narcissus; though I have done a number of things in my life that must surely be coded as scholarly, my motivation to undertake those things has stemmed from personal interest and passion in various subjects. I recommend this book to anyone who considers himself an artist.

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