Review of Gandahar

by . .

Gandahar (1987)
Directed by René Laloux
Full StarEmpty StarEmpty StarEmpty StarEmpty Star
What Does The Score "1.0" Mean? Bad: Not saved by scattered sections of higher quality or inventiveness.

This animated French movie is just awful. The plot is nonsense: the villain is only defeated because, for absolutely no reason, he choose to not just command but cause the protagonist to pass into the future in suspended animation, and be restored at a time when the villain is weaker and less able to defend himself. All of that takes up a third of the movie. The bad guy's soldiers (robots with a Nazi-inspired color scheme) plod monotonously through landscape. The animation is merely acceptable: at one point the protagonist slips off a log and the movements are so stiff they might as well be a cheap flipbook.

The movie's only redeeming quality lies in the delightfully odd collection of fantastical creatures which swarm, fly, and wobble around in the land of Gandahar, and the funky, misshapen mutants who lurk in its caves. If it had just had a decent plot, it could have really been something, but no. Look up a couple still images, ooh and aah for a moment, and move on. Don't waste two hours like I did.