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a note

Published at 00:02:59-0800 Updated

D'aww! Look what Kicks Condor had to say about my website!

Maxwell Joslyn Just the kind of personal blog that I really like the best - littered with projects and writings, thoughts stuffed everywhere. This is sort of like what [Sphygmus](https://sphygm.us/)’ or [Chameleon](https://wiki.waifu.haus)’s wikis would look like outside of TiddlyWiki.

(Href Hunt, January 2020)1

Let it be known to all comers that Kicks Condor is one hell of a drongo, whose website has a supremely trippy, glitched-out aesthetic, and whose skill in smelling out the cool corners of the Web is second to none.

  1. I linkified the mentions of the two cool internauts.