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I am...

  • studying for an MS in Computational Media at UC Santa Cruz
  • seeking to heal a seemingly-undiagnosable injury in my left hand
  • building out this website as the hub of my writing, coding, and D&D-running pipeline

If you're in Santa Cruz, drop me a line!

Greatest Hits

The Drongo see all

Twelve interviews with rather unusual people, including an itinerant Chinese scholar, a game studies researcher, and a boat-dwelling ceramics artist.

Chinese see all

The Rarest Mandarin Syllables / "Mr. Breeches" / "Iron Bull and Sick Duck"

Poetry & Parody see all

"Huge Katana" / "The Man from H.0.P.3." / "Almost Elfland" / "Higher Flight"


Play Ryan Quest

What I'm Reading

Books / Poems / Links